What modifications for learners who are exceptional do you see?

I have noticed how the teacher teaches in a way to work with all students whether they are exceptional or not. By repeating her lesson in different ways during the instruction she is able to redirect the attention of all students including those with exceptions.

Their are modifications for children in the classroom that have ADHD symptoms. The student is allowed more leeway in their actions; from more time to get things done to not as much work to accomplish. Their seat is placed in such a way as to lessen distractions to other students and self without treating them differently.

Another modification I noticed was during center work time. The teacher has students in each group of desks working on the same rotation of work at the same time. This seems to help each child stay focused better on what they are working on currently because everyone in the group is all doing the same thing. These are all great ways to modify the classroom for learners who are exceptional.
