What does a teacher do all day?

The teacher incorporated the different modalities people learn into her lessons teaching by repeating many ways and involving the children. The following are what I observed while she taught the children a new poem.

The teacher was teaching in a visual way by highlighting important words (like spelling words) and pointing to the words while the whole group read the poem. The teacher was teaching in an auditory way by: reading a poem to the children, the children reading the poem all together with her, the children picking out the rhyming words. The teacher was teaching in a kinesthetic way by having the children close their eyes and mentally visualize, or act out, the poem in their minds while they all laughed because of the silliness of the poem and going over the poem with the children many times asking lots of questions getting their involvement.

Some people say that repetition is a key to learning. After observing the teacher, I realized repetition is key for all learners as long as the repetition is not the same exact thing over and over, which may lose some children. Teachers need to incorporate all three modalities of learning into their lessons to encompass all the different children and the way they learn.
