What clerical and preparation responsibilities have you participated in?

There is a lot of clerical and preparation work that goes into teaching. Through my fieldwork in the classroom I have assisted the teacher in many of these operations.

By participating clerically I have helped with math tests and given spelling tests which contributes with the teachers formative assesments. I have also walked around the classroom helping students during rotations time when they had questions or to see if they had the correct answers. I placed the new home work in each student’s homework folder for the week as well.

Preparation materials are where I have helped the teacher out more. I created many visual aids for the classroom as well as prep work for multiple art projects. I also created multi-tabbed testing booklets by staggering three pieces of paper, folding them over to create six pages, and stapling so it wouldn’t come apart to aid in the testing of the students. I also made security walls to use during testing to prevent cheating that helps with accurate test results.
