Tell about an opportunity you had to work one on one with a student.

This week the teacher applied a method very commonly used; she gave me an opportunity of working with students one on one to work on math concepts they did not understand in adapting the curriculum to meet their needs through individualized study.

I started by showing a student the problems on his math test he had missed. We talked about what he did not understand and I explained them to him a few different ways until he finally understood. I had him work through the problems after he understood; to show me he did in fact understand. I employed multiple ways of conveying the information to him in an attempt for at least one of them being a way that he learns by.

After working with this young man and a couple others, I realized that some students will need this individual study time in order to fully understand all the concepts that are taught to the class as a whole. This adaptation of teaching the curriculum is a wonderful way of teaching and receiving immediate results with the help of an outside adult teaching source.
